Monday, December 13, 2010

Going off Penang soon

2 more days and i am going to Genting d loh....
I felt kind of excited because I get to go another trip with my best buddy...
Last trip to Seremban can say is my favorite moment among all those trip i go...
Thats because I can be with you for 3days....
But I dont think you know my existence and know that I like you...
I hope that when going this trip i can get my mind off you...
But i know its kind of imposible....^^
Many changes have been made in this trip since it was first plan...
I hope it will go on smoothly without any problem....
I still plan to take steamboat up there and have steamboat with my frenz....XD

Friday, December 10, 2010

Sick or Missing you??

Since the day i back from the conference tiok sick d loh..
But i still dint care i still go eat chipsmore pulak...==
So started to sick that day....
Till now already sick for 4 days d....
I should get some rest from the 1st day...
But i dint because i miss u a lot, i want to chat with u till u felt sleepy....
So unless u sleep or else i will be here waiting u to text me, nudge me in msn or even talk to me in Facebook...
Because of this i always 4am something only go to close my computer and went to bed...
As soon as i close my eyes, u ran into my mind....
I always think, if we together we maybe will have a lot good time together..
But as usual i will think about the negative part..
Maybe you will felt bad when i am with u...
Haha, but what was i thinking?
This kind of face can get you...
Must be a dream man...
I wont ever forget those fun and good time we spend together, but its just like a dream...
I really hope u felt the same way towards me....
I dun to ask or to know how u felt about me.....
Because thinking so much, it worsen my sickness...
Haiz.... Hope u will happy as always, but i know u will...

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Tomorrow the last day of exam...

My result drop " hen yan zhong"
my sej break my record d....Din hav damn disapointed man...
others even worse.....hope i wont get last in the class lah....
if not my parents sure kill me....
after tomorrow is holiday d....
i hope tis would be another fun holiday....
I saw smtg at the msn's website i found it intresting....

tis is about the american idol....
i dun even knw the rating of the show is droping until i saw tis...

Thursday, May 27, 2010

3rd day of exam......

Today whole day we had our science exam.....
before the exam start we had time to do our last revision called as 垂死挣扎
tis is whr the story start......
while we r busy talking, Ah Hong pass by.....
our BI teacher go and call him and say our class very noisy......
thn he call me to giv the name who r noisy at class if nt kena 6 cane....
Thn i din giv....thn duno why they suddenly stand up by theirself..(i hope they din do it)
thn Mr Hong call us to go out and stand
Wah,sipek siashui ah.....(tis is the time whn i rather kena 6 cane)
After the ball rings onli can go in....
Haiz.....My Sc exam even worse.....
my result is getting worse everyday......

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Exam exam exam........

Ah!!! I cant stand it anymore.....
Exam is drving me crazy.....
Everyday is juz study study study.....
The worse thing is, after i study i cant remember it....
Today we had eng exam, we r so stupid go and belive the tips given by our BI teacher.....
No wonder she dunwan to come to sch today.....==
other than exam,some other thing is also bothering me...
Actually its not a problem that is hard to solve....
i know the way to solve tis problem but i juz cant do it....
everything i do reminds me of the problem.....
After i solve tis problem, i am sure my life would be much better.....
hope i will rmb the Sc tat i read today.....
wish me luck.....

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Exam Day No.1

Today is kinda bad for me bcz i dun reli knw how to write both of my eassy..
I think the best karangan i write is the part whr we nd to write pengajaran.
b4 recess gt 1 teacher stare at me bcz i din say class stand...LOL
Ltr i korek her mata out ah...
The most stunning things is the article in the star i saw 2day...

After seeing tis few article....
I felt tat disiplin is very important for a sch...
Such sch wif no disiplin is affecting the imej of our country...
now of days, sch is no longger a safe place for student anymore...
And those boys who do tis kind of things....
it "mempersiasuikan" us boys.....

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Exam exam exam.............

Tis remind me of my choral speaking script in form 2....
it really suit the feeling that I a feeling now....
Although exam is going to start in 4days time...
i stil act like nothing....
i still playing games and online everyday...
my class all start to read their books and prepare for the exam...
even Saw Sze Wei start reading(MIRACLE).....
Whn i start to open my books.....
there always hav a thing tat driving my attention away....
i am sure tat tis time i sure get last placing in my class.....
1st time there is a monitor tat get the last in his class.......

My lazyness is

Saturday, April 17, 2010

whataya want from me

i ald cheng ren tat i am wrong.....
its still nt enough????
u still nd to tel the whole world tat i was wrong...
i am nt perfect....tats why i seek perfect....
its an equation....
so everything u do make me more pissed off.....
if u knw wat is better....stop doing it....

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

U would nt belive ur eyes, if we get 3rd prize....

2day so damn fun....
2day is the day our effort put off....
2day is the choral speaking competition....
i arrive sch at 6.30am as usual....
thn we all meet at foyer thn start our training while we r waitting 4 the bus to come to take us go chung hwa(whr the competition held)....
while we training,pn ooi come see us training...
hate her nia.....say we cant get prize de...
she pi ping us pi ping till very very bad.....
bt nobody listen to her....
9.30 we sit bus go to chung hwa...
me and SY take our hp out and play.....*if nt sure bored till we dead....
after we arrive at chung hwa....we saw the CGL's performance....
nt bad...i like the place whr they swing thr head...xD
thn bla bla bla,10.15 d....
its OUR TURN....
OMG,i panic like hell....
when we r at the stage,i keep sweating...
duno why it cant stop...i sweat till my whole shirt wet ald...
its like i juz take my bath...
after we came down from the stage...
i think tat our performance is kinda bad.....
while we r waitting 4 the result...
me and SY r listening the mp3 i take go...
thn we 2 syok tiok a song called if we ever meet again by katy perry and timberland....
i think we wait for 30minute ++ to wait 4 the result...
duno wat taking the judge so long to make their desision....
Wow...we get shock whn the judge say tat we heng ee get 3rd placing....
it reli supprise we all...
we shout and scream like nobody buisness....
we reli wont blive our ears when we knw tat we get 3rd placing....
heng ee din get any prize b4 in choral speaking...
tis is the 1st time....
although tis is the last year tat i am participating choral speaking...
bt it mean so much whn we get a prize 4 our sch during our last participation.....

i would like to thank all the choral speaker in here
we reli make a great team

Monday, April 12, 2010

maybe its true....

Maybe its true tat u make my world better...
maybe its true tat u make my hapi everyday...
maybe its true i rather spend time wif u thn anyone...
maybe its true tat u nd u to say i love u to me...
maybe its true tat i miss u very much....
bt something its true.....
I Cant Live Without u

Saturday, April 3, 2010




Thursday, April 1, 2010

Confuse mind.....

We smile because we suffer before,
we suffer because we are confuse.

Tis few days....
i nt reli knw wat am i doin, how does i felt....
everything is mix up in my head...
anger,hapiness,depress its all mix up in my heart....
i duno how should i react....
usually i would think b4 i act,bt nw thing juz goes too wrong...
all i wanted juz a life full of laughter...
bt at the end i am getting a streets toward sadness...
my phone heaven rang since the day i left u...
i heaven heard a "i love u" sice tat nite...
bt its wat i choose, no matter how i dislike it...
i still have to accept it...
by the way...tq for loving me so much at tat time....
it feels so good thing also will end...
haha...i think my hapiness also come to an end..
i nearly cry tat day...
nobody knows how i felt inside,nt even a single 1 knws wat i felt..

Friday, March 19, 2010

18/3/2010 last day of choral speaking practise in holiday.........

yesterday i 3am smtg ka slip,it nearly cause me my choral speaking practise....
the pracise start on 10am i wake up at 9.45am.....
i quickly take my bath and then cal my mum take me go....
whn i arrive at the sch i saw the prefect r still eating their breakfast...
gd thing i am nt late....
after we practise a while,teacher giv us a short 5-10 minute break....
during the break, me and SY take alot pic at thr....
i tot i can show u the pic we take,bt i cant show u bcz SY nt yet send it to me..
and gt 1 thing tat is very funny 2day....
i accidentally throw KH pencil box toward YY's head...
haha...YY sry ya....
at 1st i was playing wif KH...
thn he hide at YY back...
thn i throw too light d....
hit tiok YY eh head....
after tat,the 1st thing i should do is apologize to her...
bt i cant help it,i keep and SY keep laughing...
haha...laugh till fall down....
after the practise,we all help to clean dewan kuliah...
MS and 1 girl very pei loh....everytime sweep the floor also make the ben dou fall down....

tats all 4 the choral speaking....thn at nite i do 1 thing tat i am very proud of....
i go take a cold water bath thn wear a short pant and single to slip plus i eat ice kacang after i do tat...
wah,so cold....

nw i notice tat i am having fun everyday....haha...
mylife is great....^^

Thursday, March 18, 2010

寂寞 好了

What a nice song to listen whn u r emo....

The day tat make me happy (LY bday @ gurney)

It all start whn i wake up at 9.30am...
i was going to my choral speaking practise,after tat go to gurney to celebrate LY bday...
Ke lian her nia,old 1 year le...xD(good thing she duno i hav blog)
after i wake up i still duno tat i was going to wear a shirt whole day or change my shirt..
i stuck in tis problem for like.......5 min..xD
on they way to the sch,something does nt change...
whr i go also red light...hate nia
at sch practise eh time we shout till no sound, bt its fun...xD
after the practise,CH is the 1 who going to bring us to gurney...
who knw,1 by 1 are car pooling wif CH...
at the end 7 ppl nd to squise in a small car...
we reli break our record..unbelivable...
gd thing no ppl take pic of us or put the the star thumbnail...
if nt the guy is sure the winner....
juz like the milo advertisment....
whn we arrive at CH hse,we wait 4 our turn to bath...
b4 i take my bath,SY talking to her ** aka 大嫂....
haha...we all keep go kacau fun nia...
after tat we walk go gurney thn we going to watch our movie...
haiz,i tot ntg bad would happen...
bt at the end,we 4get to buy 1 more ticket thn joseph sacrifice 4 CH....
he so 伟大 nia...
we go and see alice in the wonderland...
tat movie so funny....the white queen is so white and gt abit "hiao"....xD
whn we watch the movie,SY sms wif 大嫂...
she say too many ppl use hp,she cant see him..thn she call him to shake his
hp...SY dun wan shake me and JS help him to shake...xD
after the movie,we all go to 1st we all go eat at Chopper Board...
thn we go and meet LY them at Shusi King we eat again....
wah 1st time wat till so full and most important is EXPENSIVE.....
i 6.30pm tiok back liao...
after i back my mum straight take me go E&O hotel and eat buffet....
OMG,the mutton so yummy...
i cant stop eatting it...
9.30pm i back home d...
damn..after 2day i sure bcome fatter.....

At the end,i hav a good time hanging out wif my frenz....
haha...i would sure tat we will go out again....
next one nd to be scrifice....
haha...sry joseph...xD

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

What is wrong for loving myself???

Wat is wrong for loving myself???
i still love u wat...
wats wrong 4 tat???
tel me la!!!!!!
looking forward for tml.....

15.03.2010 Choral speaking practise

Today 10 am gt practise 4 choral speaking i 9.15 onli wake up....
after wake up i go bath and eat till 9.45 onli go to sch from my hse..
the tracfic like is playing my patient,watever tracfic light i went into....
its always RED!!!!!
wah,make me so "pek cek".....
Bt at last,i have fun thr....
when practise wana start,i go and search my bag 4 my script....
OMG,i 4get to bring it...
Good thing teacher din use it very much,so i can share wif my fren.....
the facial expression tat the teacher make was so funny....
And the noise teacher make its like cartoon eh voice....
Whn teacher choose the participant 4 solo facial expression....
Me and SY gt the part.....
bt the fun time always end fast we juz spend thr 2 hour and thn we dismiss d....

Friday, March 12, 2010

What a "lucky" day.....

(Part 1)
The whole story start from yesterday....
Whn i stay back at sch....
We think tat tml juz 3 objective paper so din study...
We juz sit thr and chat..
Bt tat day so "lucky",the *****AhTan walk by and hear us laugh thn he come in and scold us....
He also belanja us go pejabat "drink kopi"...
thn he ask us why we stay and etc....
thn he use the principle to 威胁 we all..he say u wan i help u can,beg me la....
wah,hear tiok nia tiok TL liao...
thn he wan 留 some of us..
gd thing me,SY,YY,KH and JS lie to him,abo tiok nd to stay in the pejabat till 6pm liao..
Bt HM and JY tiok nt lucky liao,stay at the sch...
whn we r at the pejabat,everyone look at us like we were being catch 4 ponteng...
After we go out from sch we ben lai wan go JS eh hse,bt he din tel her mum tat we were going so we go YY eh hse...
We go thr by the lorong near the sch,SY say walk the lorong like playing COD aneh...
tat day i think we too "lucky" d,walk till KH eh hse a tiok rain liao...
At the end nd Kh mum to send us to YY eh hse,everytime ma fan tion KH eh mum ps nia..
thn go YY eh hse nia go thr sit a while we all tiok back liao...

(part 2)
i hope tat 2day will be better la, bt who know 2day also bad luck ah.....
whn bm exam i stim stim aneh...
4get to do the last 5 question....nw nd to copy 50time le loh....
thn maybe will being scold by "peter pan" d loh...

haiz....tis few day so damn "lucky"....

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

life become worse as day pass by...

my life getting worse as day pass by...maybe its juz me too sensitive bt i reli dun felt very hapi these day...exam tat is comming make it worse...