Thursday, March 18, 2010

The day tat make me happy (LY bday @ gurney)

It all start whn i wake up at 9.30am...
i was going to my choral speaking practise,after tat go to gurney to celebrate LY bday...
Ke lian her nia,old 1 year le...xD(good thing she duno i hav blog)
after i wake up i still duno tat i was going to wear a shirt whole day or change my shirt..
i stuck in tis problem for like.......5 min..xD
on they way to the sch,something does nt change...
whr i go also red light...hate nia
at sch practise eh time we shout till no sound, bt its fun...xD
after the practise,CH is the 1 who going to bring us to gurney...
who knw,1 by 1 are car pooling wif CH...
at the end 7 ppl nd to squise in a small car...
we reli break our record..unbelivable...
gd thing no ppl take pic of us or put the the star thumbnail...
if nt the guy is sure the winner....
juz like the milo advertisment....
whn we arrive at CH hse,we wait 4 our turn to bath...
b4 i take my bath,SY talking to her ** aka 大嫂....
haha...we all keep go kacau fun nia...
after tat we walk go gurney thn we going to watch our movie...
haiz,i tot ntg bad would happen...
bt at the end,we 4get to buy 1 more ticket thn joseph sacrifice 4 CH....
he so 伟大 nia...
we go and see alice in the wonderland...
tat movie so funny....the white queen is so white and gt abit "hiao"....xD
whn we watch the movie,SY sms wif 大嫂...
she say too many ppl use hp,she cant see him..thn she call him to shake his
hp...SY dun wan shake me and JS help him to shake...xD
after the movie,we all go to 1st we all go eat at Chopper Board...
thn we go and meet LY them at Shusi King we eat again....
wah 1st time wat till so full and most important is EXPENSIVE.....
i 6.30pm tiok back liao...
after i back my mum straight take me go E&O hotel and eat buffet....
OMG,the mutton so yummy...
i cant stop eatting it...
9.30pm i back home d...
damn..after 2day i sure bcome fatter.....

At the end,i hav a good time hanging out wif my frenz....
haha...i would sure tat we will go out again....
next one nd to be scrifice....
haha...sry joseph...xD

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