Monday, December 13, 2010

Going off Penang soon

2 more days and i am going to Genting d loh....
I felt kind of excited because I get to go another trip with my best buddy...
Last trip to Seremban can say is my favorite moment among all those trip i go...
Thats because I can be with you for 3days....
But I dont think you know my existence and know that I like you...
I hope that when going this trip i can get my mind off you...
But i know its kind of imposible....^^
Many changes have been made in this trip since it was first plan...
I hope it will go on smoothly without any problem....
I still plan to take steamboat up there and have steamboat with my frenz....XD


Zhi Ying said...

Enjoy yr trip . I know it will be kindaa enjoyable .. I wanna go ! D;

Deadman said...

U wan go pay up RM330 ma can d loh

IvyT. said...

EHEM..... aiyah just go and gao bai lah. end of suffering.

Deadman said...

Hiyorr.... Later suffer even more.. I ka dunwan ah.