Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Exam exam exam........

Ah!!! I cant stand it anymore.....
Exam is drving me crazy.....
Everyday is juz study study study.....
The worse thing is, after i study i cant remember it....
Today we had eng exam, we r so stupid go and belive the tips given by our BI teacher.....
No wonder she dunwan to come to sch today.....==
other than exam,some other thing is also bothering me...
Actually its not a problem that is hard to solve....
i know the way to solve tis problem but i juz cant do it....
everything i do reminds me of the problem.....
After i solve tis problem, i am sure my life would be much better.....
hope i will rmb the Sc tat i read today.....
wish me luck.....

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