Thursday, May 27, 2010

3rd day of exam......

Today whole day we had our science exam.....
before the exam start we had time to do our last revision called as 垂死挣扎
tis is whr the story start......
while we r busy talking, Ah Hong pass by.....
our BI teacher go and call him and say our class very noisy......
thn he call me to giv the name who r noisy at class if nt kena 6 cane....
Thn i din giv....thn duno why they suddenly stand up by theirself..(i hope they din do it)
thn Mr Hong call us to go out and stand
Wah,sipek siashui ah.....(tis is the time whn i rather kena 6 cane)
After the ball rings onli can go in....
Haiz.....My Sc exam even worse.....
my result is getting worse everyday......

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