Tuesday, April 13, 2010

U would nt belive ur eyes, if we get 3rd prize....

2day so damn fun....
2day is the day our effort put off....
2day is the choral speaking competition....
i arrive sch at 6.30am as usual....
thn we all meet at foyer thn start our training while we r waitting 4 the bus to come to take us go chung hwa(whr the competition held)....
while we training,pn ooi come see us training...
hate her nia.....say we cant get prize de...
she pi ping us pi ping till very very bad.....
bt nobody listen to her....
9.30 we sit bus go to chung hwa...
me and SY take our hp out and play.....*if nt sure bored till we dead....
after we arrive at chung hwa....we saw the CGL's performance....
nt bad...i like the place whr they swing thr head...xD
thn bla bla bla,10.15 d....
its OUR TURN....
OMG,i panic like hell....
when we r at the stage,i keep sweating...
duno why it cant stop...i sweat till my whole shirt wet ald...
its like i juz take my bath...
after we came down from the stage...
i think tat our performance is kinda bad.....
while we r waitting 4 the result...
me and SY r listening the mp3 i take go...
thn we 2 syok tiok a song called if we ever meet again by katy perry and timberland....
i think we wait for 30minute ++ to wait 4 the result...
duno wat taking the judge so long to make their desision....
Wow...we get shock whn the judge say tat we heng ee get 3rd placing....
it reli supprise we all...
we shout and scream like nobody buisness....
we reli wont blive our ears when we knw tat we get 3rd placing....
heng ee din get any prize b4 in choral speaking...
tis is the 1st time....
although tis is the last year tat i am participating choral speaking...
bt it mean so much whn we get a prize 4 our sch during our last participation.....

i would like to thank all the choral speaker in here
we reli make a great team

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