Friday, March 25, 2011


Haiz.. Lately not feeling well...
I lately keep on sleep and sleep and sleep..
I am starting to become a full time pig and not a part time one..
Just get my result not long ago..
My result sucks like hell man..
Everyone say they dint study or what..
But at the end they get a better result..
But fake friends sure got a lot one lah..
I am already used to it.. =)
Lately although we are getting better but i am no happy either..
Maybe is i too sensitive but i really dont like that kind of feeling...
But nevermind, i don't wan to affect your daily life..
Because i know i can't change to so i also can't aspect you to change..
Thats all for today although it's been long since i update...><

The0ry 0f Deadman...

Monday, December 13, 2010

Going off Penang soon

2 more days and i am going to Genting d loh....
I felt kind of excited because I get to go another trip with my best buddy...
Last trip to Seremban can say is my favorite moment among all those trip i go...
Thats because I can be with you for 3days....
But I dont think you know my existence and know that I like you...
I hope that when going this trip i can get my mind off you...
But i know its kind of imposible....^^
Many changes have been made in this trip since it was first plan...
I hope it will go on smoothly without any problem....
I still plan to take steamboat up there and have steamboat with my frenz....XD

Friday, December 10, 2010

Sick or Missing you??

Since the day i back from the conference tiok sick d loh..
But i still dint care i still go eat chipsmore pulak...==
So started to sick that day....
Till now already sick for 4 days d....
I should get some rest from the 1st day...
But i dint because i miss u a lot, i want to chat with u till u felt sleepy....
So unless u sleep or else i will be here waiting u to text me, nudge me in msn or even talk to me in Facebook...
Because of this i always 4am something only go to close my computer and went to bed...
As soon as i close my eyes, u ran into my mind....
I always think, if we together we maybe will have a lot good time together..
But as usual i will think about the negative part..
Maybe you will felt bad when i am with u...
Haha, but what was i thinking?
This kind of face can get you...
Must be a dream man...
I wont ever forget those fun and good time we spend together, but its just like a dream...
I really hope u felt the same way towards me....
I dun to ask or to know how u felt about me.....
Because thinking so much, it worsen my sickness...
Haiz.... Hope u will happy as always, but i know u will...

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Tomorrow the last day of exam...

My result drop " hen yan zhong"
my sej break my record d....Din hav damn disapointed man...
others even worse.....hope i wont get last in the class lah....
if not my parents sure kill me....
after tomorrow is holiday d....
i hope tis would be another fun holiday....
I saw smtg at the msn's website i found it intresting....

tis is about the american idol....
i dun even knw the rating of the show is droping until i saw tis...

Thursday, May 27, 2010

3rd day of exam......

Today whole day we had our science exam.....
before the exam start we had time to do our last revision called as 垂死挣扎
tis is whr the story start......
while we r busy talking, Ah Hong pass by.....
our BI teacher go and call him and say our class very noisy......
thn he call me to giv the name who r noisy at class if nt kena 6 cane....
Thn i din giv....thn duno why they suddenly stand up by theirself..(i hope they din do it)
thn Mr Hong call us to go out and stand
Wah,sipek siashui ah.....(tis is the time whn i rather kena 6 cane)
After the ball rings onli can go in....
Haiz.....My Sc exam even worse.....
my result is getting worse everyday......

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Exam exam exam........

Ah!!! I cant stand it anymore.....
Exam is drving me crazy.....
Everyday is juz study study study.....
The worse thing is, after i study i cant remember it....
Today we had eng exam, we r so stupid go and belive the tips given by our BI teacher.....
No wonder she dunwan to come to sch today.....==
other than exam,some other thing is also bothering me...
Actually its not a problem that is hard to solve....
i know the way to solve tis problem but i juz cant do it....
everything i do reminds me of the problem.....
After i solve tis problem, i am sure my life would be much better.....
hope i will rmb the Sc tat i read today.....
wish me luck.....