Monday, December 13, 2010

Going off Penang soon

2 more days and i am going to Genting d loh....
I felt kind of excited because I get to go another trip with my best buddy...
Last trip to Seremban can say is my favorite moment among all those trip i go...
Thats because I can be with you for 3days....
But I dont think you know my existence and know that I like you...
I hope that when going this trip i can get my mind off you...
But i know its kind of imposible....^^
Many changes have been made in this trip since it was first plan...
I hope it will go on smoothly without any problem....
I still plan to take steamboat up there and have steamboat with my frenz....XD

Friday, December 10, 2010

Sick or Missing you??

Since the day i back from the conference tiok sick d loh..
But i still dint care i still go eat chipsmore pulak...==
So started to sick that day....
Till now already sick for 4 days d....
I should get some rest from the 1st day...
But i dint because i miss u a lot, i want to chat with u till u felt sleepy....
So unless u sleep or else i will be here waiting u to text me, nudge me in msn or even talk to me in Facebook...
Because of this i always 4am something only go to close my computer and went to bed...
As soon as i close my eyes, u ran into my mind....
I always think, if we together we maybe will have a lot good time together..
But as usual i will think about the negative part..
Maybe you will felt bad when i am with u...
Haha, but what was i thinking?
This kind of face can get you...
Must be a dream man...
I wont ever forget those fun and good time we spend together, but its just like a dream...
I really hope u felt the same way towards me....
I dun to ask or to know how u felt about me.....
Because thinking so much, it worsen my sickness...
Haiz.... Hope u will happy as always, but i know u will...